tx_mktools_util_ExceptionHandlerBase::echoExceptionInWebEnvironment Line: 142
array(1 item)
   0 => 'Exception! Mehr infos im devlog.' (32 chars)
tx_mktools_util_ExceptionHandlerBase::echoExceptionInWebEnvironment Line: 145
array(1 item)
   0 => Exceptionprototypeobject
      message => protected'RealURL was not able to find the root page id for the domain "www.studenteng
         emeinde-cottbus.de" as there was more than one root page with this domain.
' (150 chars) string => private'' (0 chars) code => protected1420480928 (integer) file => protected'/html/live/releases/67/htdocs/typo3conf/ext/realurl/Classes/Configuration/Co
' (97 chars) line => protected524 (integer) trace => privatearray(17 items) 0 => array(6 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/htdocs/typo3conf/ext/realurl/Classes/Configuration/Co
' (97 chars) line => 487 (integer) function => 'setRootPageIdFromRootFlag' (25 chars) class => 'DmitryDulepov\Realurl\Configuration\ConfigurationReader' (55 chars) type => '->' (2 chars) args => array(empty)
1 => array(6 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/htdocs/typo3conf/ext/realurl/Classes/Configuration/Co
' (97 chars) line => 366 (integer) function => 'setRootPageId' (13 chars) class => 'DmitryDulepov\Realurl\Configuration\ConfigurationReader' (55 chars) type => '->' (2 chars) args => array(empty)
2 => array(6 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/htdocs/typo3conf/ext/realurl/Classes/Configuration/Co
' (97 chars) line => 113 (integer) function => 'setConfigurationForTheCurrentDomain' (35 chars) class => 'DmitryDulepov\Realurl\Configuration\ConfigurationReader' (55 chars) type => '->' (2 chars) args => array(empty)
3 => array(6 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/vendor/typo3/cms/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Utility/Ge
' (92 chars) line => 3972 (integer) function => '__construct' (11 chars) class => 'DmitryDulepov\Realurl\Configuration\ConfigurationReader' (55 chars) type => '->' (2 chars) args => array(1 item) 0 => 1 (integer)
4 => array(6 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/htdocs/typo3conf/ext/realurl/Classes/Decoder/UrlDecod
' (82 chars) line => 1181 (integer) function => 'makeInstance' (12 chars) class => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility' (37 chars) type => '::' (2 chars) args => array(2 items) 0 => 'DmitryDulepov\Realurl\Configuration\ConfigurationReader' (55 chars) 1 => 1 (integer)
5 => array(6 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/htdocs/typo3conf/ext/realurl/Classes/EncodeDecoderBas
' (81 chars) line => 212 (integer) function => 'initializeConfiguration' (23 chars) class => 'DmitryDulepov\Realurl\Decoder\UrlDecoder' (40 chars) type => '->' (2 chars) args => array(empty)
6 => array(6 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/htdocs/typo3conf/ext/realurl/Classes/Decoder/UrlDecod
' (82 chars) line => 1172 (integer) function => 'initialize' (10 chars) class => 'DmitryDulepov\Realurl\EncodeDecoderBase' (39 chars) type => '->' (2 chars) args => array(empty)
7 => array(6 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/htdocs/typo3conf/ext/realurl/Classes/Decoder/UrlDecod
' (82 chars) line => 147 (integer) function => 'initialize' (10 chars) class => 'DmitryDulepov\Realurl\Decoder\UrlDecoder' (40 chars) type => '->' (2 chars) args => array(empty)
8 => array(4 items) function => 'decodeUrl' (9 chars) class => 'DmitryDulepov\Realurl\Decoder\UrlDecoder' (40 chars) type => '->' (2 chars) args => array(2 items) 0 => array(1 item) pObj => ux_tslib_feprototypeobject id => publicNULL type => publicNULL cHash => publicNULL no_cache => publicFALSE rootLine => public'' (0 chars) page => public'' (0 chars) contentPid => public0 (integer) originalMountPointPage => protectedNULL originalShortcutPage => protectedNULL sys_page => public'' (0 chars) activeUrlHandlers => protectedarray(empty)max depth pageNotFound => public0 (integer) domainStartPage => public0 (integer) pageAccessFailureHistory => publicarray(empty)max depth MP => public'' (0 chars) RDCT => publicNULL page_cache_reg1 => public0 (integer) siteScript => public'startseite-deutsch/predigten/23012018-offb-216-rev-216-english.html' (67 chars) fe_user => publicux_tslib_feuserauthprototypeobjectmax depth loginUser => publicFALSE gr_list => public'' (0 chars) beUserLogin => publicFALSE workspacePreview => public0 (integer) loginAllowedInBranch => publicTRUE loginAllowedInBranch_mode => public'' (0 chars) ADMCMD_preview_BEUSER_uid => public0 (integer) fePreview => public0 (integer) showHiddenPage => publicFALSE showHiddenRecords => publicFALSE simUserGroup => public0 (integer) config => publicarray(empty)max depth tmpl => publicNULL cacheTimeOutDefault => publicFALSE cacheContentFlag => publicFALSE cacheExpires => public0 (integer) isClientCachable => publicFALSE all => publicarray(empty)max depth sPre => public'' (0 chars) pSetup => public'' (0 chars) newHash => public'' (0 chars) getMethodUrlIdToken => public'' (0 chars) no_cacheBeforePageGen => publicFALSE tempContent => publicFALSE forceTemplateParsing => publicFALSE cHash_array => publicarray(empty)max depth pagesTSconfig => public'' (0 chars) additionalHeaderData => publicarray(empty)max depth additionalFooterData => publicarray(empty)max depth additionalJavaScript => publicarray(empty)max depth additionalCSS => publicarray(empty)max depth JSCode => publicNULL inlineJS => publicNULL divSection => public'' (0 chars) debug => publicFALSE intTarget => public'' (0 chars) extTarget => public'' (0 chars) fileTarget => public'' (0 chars) MP_defaults => publicarray(empty)max depth spamProtectEmailAddresses => public0 (integer) absRefPrefix => public'' (0 chars) compensateFieldWidth => public'' (0 chars) lockFilePath => public'' (0 chars) ATagParams => public'' (0 chars) sWordRegEx => public'' (0 chars) sWordList => public'' (0 chars) linkVars => public'' (0 chars) excludeCHashVars => public'' (0 chars) displayEditIcons => public'' (0 chars) displayFieldEditIcons => public'' (0 chars) sys_language_uid => public0 (integer) sys_language_mode => public'' (0 chars) sys_language_content => public0 (integer) sys_language_contentOL => public0 (integer) sys_language_isocode => public'' (0 chars) applicationData => publicarray(empty)max depth register => publicarray(empty)max depth registerStack => publicarray(empty)max depth cObjectDepthCounter => public50 (integer) recordRegister => publicarray(empty)max depth currentRecord => public'' (0 chars) accessKey => publicarray(empty)max depth imagesOnPage => publicarray(empty)max depth lastImageInfo => publicarray(empty)max depth uniqueCounter => public0 (integer) uniqueString => public'2a7ddc216dbd77fe90d216ac4afad7bc' (32 chars) indexedDocTitle => public'' (0 chars) altPageTitle => public'' (0 chars) baseUrl => public'' (0 chars) cObj => public'' (0 chars) content => public'' (0 chars) scriptParseTime => public0 (integer) csConvObj => publicTYPO3\CMS\Core\Charset\CharsetConvertersingletonobjectmax depth defaultCharSet => public'utf-8' (5 chars) renderCharset => public'utf-8' (5 chars) metaCharset => public'utf-8' (5 chars) lang => public'' (0 chars) LL_labels_cache => publicarray(empty)max depth LL_files_cache => publicarray(empty)max depth languageDependencies => protectedarray(empty)max depth locks => protectedarray(empty)max depth pageRenderer => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Page\PageRenderersingletonobjectmax depth pageCache => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Frontend\VariableFrontendprototypeobjectmax depth pageCacheTags => protectedarray(empty)max depth cacheHash => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Page\CacheHashCalculatorsingletonobjectmax depth domainDataCache => protectedarray(empty)max depth contentType => protected'text/html' (9 chars) xhtmlDoctype => public'' (0 chars) xhtmlVersion => publicNULL requestedId => protectedNULL dtdAllowsFrames => publicNULL 1 => ux_tslib_feprototypeobjectsee above 9 => array(4 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/vendor/typo3/cms/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Utility/Ge
' (92 chars) line => 3849 (integer) function => 'call_user_func_array' (20 chars) args => array(2 items) 0 => array(2 items) 0 => DmitryDulepov\Realurl\Decoder\UrlDecodersingletonobject appendedSlash => protectedFALSE caller => protectedux_tslib_feprototypeobjectsee above detectedLanguageId => protectedNULL disallowedDoktypes => protected255 (integer) isExpiredPath => protectedFALSE expiredPath => protected'' (0 chars) mimeType => protected'' (0 chars) mountPointStartPid => protected0 (integer) mountPointVariable => protected'' (0 chars) originalPath => protectedNULL savedErrorHandler => protected'' (0 chars) siteScript => protected'startseite-deutsch/predigten/23012018-offb-216-rev-216-english.html' (67 chars) speakingUri => protectedNULL cache => protectedDmitryDulepov\Realurl\Cache\DatabaseCachesingletonobjectmax depth configuration => protectedDmitryDulepov\Realurl\Configuration\ConfigurationReaderprototypeobjectmax depth databaseConnection => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\DatabaseConnectionprototypeobjectmax depth emptySegmentValue => protected'' (0 chars) ignoredUrlParameters => protectedarray(empty)max depth logger => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Loggerprototypeobjectmax depth pageRepository => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Page\PageRepositoryprototypeobjectmax depth pageTitleFields => publicarray(5 items)max depth rootPageId => protected0 (integer) separatorCharacter => protected'-' (1 chars) tsfe => protectedux_tslib_feprototypeobjectsee above utility => protectedDmitryDulepov\Realurl\Utilityprototypeobjectmax depth 1 => 'decodeUrl' (9 chars) 1 => array(2 items) 0 => array(1 item) pObj => ux_tslib_feprototypeobjectsee above 1 => ux_tslib_feprototypeobjectsee above
10 => array(6 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/vendor/typo3/cms/typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/Contro
' (113 chars) line => 1126 (integer) function => 'callUserFunction' (16 chars) class => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility' (37 chars) type => '::' (2 chars) args => array(3 items) 0 => 'DmitryDulepov\Realurl\Decoder\UrlDecoder->decodeUrl' (51 chars) 1 => array(1 item) pObj => ux_tslib_feprototypeobjectsee above 2 => ux_tslib_feprototypeobjectsee above
11 => array(6 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/vendor/typo3/cms/typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/Http/R
' (93 chars) line => 137 (integer) function => 'checkAlternativeIdMethods' (25 chars) class => 'TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Controller\TypoScriptFrontendController' (58 chars) type => '->' (2 chars) args => array(empty)
12 => array(6 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/vendor/typo3/cms/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Core/Boots
' (84 chars) line => 319 (integer) function => 'handleRequest' (13 chars) class => 'TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Http\RequestHandler' (38 chars) type => '->' (2 chars) args => array(1 item) 0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\ServerRequestprototypeobject attributes => protectedarray(empty) cookieParams => protectedarray(empty) parsedBody => protectedNULL queryParams => protectedarray(empty) serverParams => protectedarray(58 items) GCONV_PATH => '/usr/local/php/lib64/gconv' (26 chars) LO_PATH => '/usr/local/php/lib64/locale' (27 chars) MAGICK_C0DER_MODULE_PATH => '/usr/local/php/lib64/ImageMagick-6.9.10/modules-Q16/coders' (58 chars) OPENSSL_CONF => '/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf' (20 chars) PATH => '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/command:/usr/local/bin:/usr/l
' (130 chars) USER => 'p251158' (7 chars) HOME => '/home/www/p251158' (17 chars) SCRIPT_NAME => '/index.php' (10 chars) REQUEST_URI => '/startseite-deutsch/predigten/23012018-offb-216-rev-216-english.html' (68 chars) QUERY_STRING => '' (0 chars) REQUEST_METHOD => 'GET' (3 chars) SERVER_PROTOCOL => 'HTTP/2.0' (8 chars) GATEWAY_INTERFACE => 'CGI/1.1' (7 chars) REDIRECT_URL => '/startseite-deutsch/predigten/23012018-offb-216-rev-216-english.html' (68 chars) REMOTE_PORT => '7602' (4 chars) SCRIPT_FILENAME => '/home/www/p251158/html/live/current/htdocs/index.php' (52 chars) SERVER_ADMIN => '[no address given]' (18 chars) CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT => '/home/www/p251158/html/live/current/htdocs/' (43 chars) CONTEXT_PREFIX => '' (0 chars) REQUEST_SCHEME => 'https' (5 chars) DOCUMENT_ROOT => '/home/www/p251158/html/live/current/htdocs/' (43 chars) REMOTE_ADDR => '' (14 chars) SERVER_PORT => '443' (3 chars) SERVER_ADDR => '' (13 chars) SERVER_NAME => 'www.studentengemeinde-cottbus.de' (32 chars) SERVER_SOFTWARE => 'Apache' (6 chars) SERVER_SIGNATURE => '' (0 chars) HTTP_HOST => 'www.studentengemeinde-cottbus.de' (32 chars) HTTP_REFERER => 'http://www.studentengemeinde-cottbus.de/startseite-deutsch/predigten/2301201
' (107 chars) HTTP_USER_AGENT => 'claudebot' (9 chars) HTTP_ACCEPT => '*/*' (3 chars) H2_STREAM_TAG => '1262340-21-3' (12 chars) H2_STREAM_ID => '3' (1 chars) H2_PUSHED_ON => '' (0 chars) H2_PUSHED => '' (0 chars) H2_PUSH => 'off' (3 chars) H2PUSH => 'off' (3 chars) HTTP2 => 'on' (2 chars) SSL_TLS_SNI => 'www.studentengemeinde-cottbus.de' (32 chars) TYPO3_CONTEXT => 'Production/Live' (15 chars) CWD => '/' (1 chars) HTTPS => 'on' (2 chars) REDIRECT_STATUS => '200' (3 chars) REDIRECT_H2_STREAM_TAG => '1262340-21-3' (12 chars) REDIRECT_H2_STREAM_ID => '3' (1 chars) REDIRECT_H2_PUSHED_ON => '' (0 chars) REDIRECT_H2_PUSHED => '' (0 chars) REDIRECT_H2_PUSH => 'off' (3 chars) REDIRECT_H2PUSH => 'off' (3 chars) REDIRECT_HTTP2 => 'on' (2 chars) REDIRECT_SSL_TLS_SNI => 'www.studentengemeinde-cottbus.de' (32 chars) REDIRECT_TYPO3_CONTEXT => 'Production/Live' (15 chars) REDIRECT_CWD => '/' (1 chars) REDIRECT_HTTPS => 'on' (2 chars) FCGI_ROLE => 'RESPONDER' (9 chars) PHP_SELF => '/index.php' (10 chars) REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT => 1713455878.0124 (double) REQUEST_TIME => 1713455878 (integer)
uploadedFiles => protectedarray(empty) requestTarget => protectedNULL method => protected'GET' (3 chars) supportedMethods => protectedarray(16 items) 0 => 'CONNECT' (7 chars) 1 => 'DELETE' (6 chars) 2 => 'GET' (3 chars) 3 => 'HEAD' (4 chars) 4 => 'OPTIONS' (7 chars) 5 => 'PATCH' (5 chars) 6 => 'POST' (4 chars) 7 => 'PUT' (3 chars) 8 => 'TRACE' (5 chars) 9 => 'COPY' (4 chars) 10 => 'LOCK' (4 chars) 11 => 'MKCOL' (5 chars) 12 => 'MOVE' (4 chars) 13 => 'PROPFIND' (8 chars) 14 => 'PROPPATCH' (9 chars) 15 => 'UNLOCK' (6 chars) uri => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\Uriprototypeobject scheme => protected'https' (5 chars) supportedSchemes => protectedarray(2 items)max depth authority => protected'' (0 chars) userInfo => protected'' (0 chars) host => protected'www.studentengemeinde-cottbus.de' (32 chars) port => protectedNULL path => protected'/startseite-deutsch/predigten/23012018-offb-216-rev-216-english.html' (68 chars) query => protected'' (0 chars) fragment => protectedNULL protocolVersion => protected'1.1' (3 chars) headers => protectedarray(4 items) host => array(1 item)max depth referer => array(1 item)max depth user-agent => array(1 item)max depth accept => array(1 item)max depth lowercasedHeaderNames => protectedarray(4 items) host => 'host' (4 chars) referer => 'referer' (7 chars) user-agent => 'user-agent' (10 chars) accept => 'accept' (6 chars) body => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\Streamprototypeobject resource => protectedresource stream => protected'php://input' (11 chars)
13 => array(6 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/vendor/typo3/cms/typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/Http/A
' (90 chars) line => 79 (integer) function => 'handleRequest' (13 chars) class => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Bootstrap' (29 chars) type => '->' (2 chars) args => array(1 item) 0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\ServerRequestprototypeobjectsee above
14 => array(6 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/vendor/typo3/cms/typo3/sysext/frontend/Resources/Priv
' (96 chars) line => 23 (integer) function => 'run' (3 chars) class => 'TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Http\Application' (35 chars) type => '->' (2 chars) args => array(empty)
15 => array(4 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/vendor/typo3/cms/typo3/sysext/frontend/Resources/Priv
' (96 chars) line => 24 (integer) function => '{closure}' (9 chars) args => array(empty)
16 => array(4 items) file => '/html/live/releases/67/vendor/typo3/cms/index.php' (49 chars) line => 3 (integer) args => array(1 item) 0 => '/html/live/releases/67/vendor/typo3/cms/typo3/sysext/frontend/Resources/Priv
' (96 chars)
function => 'require' (7 chars)
previous => privateNULL
Evangelische Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz - EKBO

Ups, da ist wohl etwas schiefgelaufen.